Sofia Wednesday May 13th. Toastmasters Club Bulgaria organized a special guest speaker on their monthly club meeting. Since Vicacom is their sponsor, the club organised the lecture in one of the lecture rooms of Vivacom in the heart of Sofia. Bulgaria. The club is renown for its Leadership and Public Speaking coaching sessions.

But this time a special guest was invited, Marc J. de Turck.
In one hour, Marc showed the attendees the simplicity in using emotions as main element to get attraction and interest from the public in public speaking.

Yes they way one talks, one dresses, ones moves and the number of "ehms" one uses are important in public speaking. However, a kid gets attention via emotions and conviction. And that was the special topic to the attendees.
Here is what the president of the Toast Masters Club wrote after the lecture:
“The presentation was original, remembering and above all very
useful. Apart from this, Marc gave a brilliant example how you can make successful
presentations in front of an audience, which is an additional “bonus” to the
content itself that he presented”
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