Marc de Turck - IDEAS FreeBoss Intl
Veilinglaan 46 in 1861 Wolvertem (Brussels) Belgium


Saturday, 26 September 2015

Macedonian business men learn the fastest way to power.

Skopje, September 23th 2015, Hotel Impeksel.

IDEAS Macedonia invites Marc de Turck as guest speaker on a seminar about about the formula's' to go to power fast. Marc referred to L.Ron Hubbard's Ethics Formulas.

Participants where amazed by the practicality and simplicity of application of the data.

More info at

Monday, 7 September 2015

50 managers in Hilton Sofia learn the secrets of top sales people

Hilton Sofia, September 7th 2015.
50 managers from different industries in Bulgaria learn the secrets of top sales people: those are correct conviction, expertise in using emotions and using the help of people to close while keeping their face- Samourai Style.  Some pictures here after. More info on

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Back in Irkutsk, Siberia, after a strong winter - delivering a seminar on marketing and sales

Irkutsk, Siberia, September 5th 2015.

Olga Stassenok, founder of Vishe Liga Rokovaditel Irkutsk together with her strong team of staff
 (Maria, Tatyana, Julia, Rita) organised a seminar on Sales and marketing.

They invited Marc de Turck as guest speaker and Kamilla Khairova as translator.

40 managers followed the whole day seminar.  Big success.

 More info on the seminars at or for Russia