Marc de Turck - IDEAS FreeBoss Intl
Veilinglaan 46 in 1861 Wolvertem (Brussels) Belgium


Thursday, 23 October 2014

People today make the difference when it counts.

Social media, digital marketing, web shopping, on-line training platforms, robots. ..... The marketing and sales world is full of it.
Those are indeed good solutions today to market and sell your products and services the easy way.  Today however in an extremely competitive market where most companies are on-line and most of them are familiar with search engine optimizations, social networks and landing pages PEOPLE will more and more make the difference.

The sales person today who still has the guts to telephone, to meet people face to face, who is convinced and who knows the importance in emotions which make people act, is worth GOLD.
It is the conviction and the attitude towards clients and prospects which gives today the biggest competitive advantage. And this is good news for sales people.
So sales people, do not hide behind your computer screens; go back on the street, meet people.
The world needs personal contact more than ever.

Marc J. de Turck

How to recruit and help people to motivate themselves and keep motivated

Sofia, Kempinksi October 23th. Marc de Turck from FreeBoss holds an open seminar to 10 managers on how to help people to motivate themselves, since motivating people is only possible if they motivate themselves.

"I really learned that one cannot motivate people but one can invite people to be motivated." A.L. General Manager

"I learned how to successfully recruit people with certainty on what you expect from them."S N Owner.

Next seminar will be in Hilton Sofia on how to build a team. More info, contact us

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

IDEAS FreeBoss means business in keeping graduates in Bulgaria

Sofia, Kempinksi, 21st of October 2014.  IDEAS holds its 20th anniversary event.

110 business leaders attended the event.

Marc J. De Turck, in his speech concerning past and future of IDEAS, stresses on educating the graduates in order to stay in Bulgaria.

The same message is delivered by President WISE Central and Eastern Europe, Mr Imre Toth.   

In order to create economic revival one needs stable terminals. Stable terminals are people who know and do their job and this is achieved mainly via education. 

That is why Mr Toth also showed the pilot of the course "Natural law of personal success" as the first of a series of courses which will come out soon and will be delivered by IDEAS FreeBoss via the Hubbard College of Administration.

110 business people, clients of IDEAS FreeBoss, attended the magnificent event in a anniversary party decoration.

20 of them where rewarded for their active contribution.  Friends, Fans and Ambassadors.

Of course the staff of IDEAs including the Macedonia team was awarded for its dedication.

The event ended with a special performance of Dessy Tenekedjieva and her band.


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Geramis Bulgaria boosts its sales team.

Sunday October 19th. Geramis Bulgaria follows a special sales training from Marc de Turck from
Ideas FreeBoss intl.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

IDEAS goes SAP - Self motivation lecture to 100 SAP consultants

Monday October 13th.
The HRM department of SAP Labs Balkan organizes for their highest talented people a series of lectures.

IDEAS FreeBoss is invited to deliver a lecture on Self Motivation to those future managers of SAP.
Marc J. de Tuck delivers this lecture in the premises of SAP LABS Bulgaria.

Big sucess.

More to come ......

For more info on our lectures click here.

Friday, 3 October 2014

FreeBoss seminar in Kiev - after difficulties ends in a total success

Ukraine October 1st, while there is war in the Donetsk zone, Kiev looks calm.  Our partners of Olerom however where faced with another unpleasant situation. The founder and the manager where recently involved in a serious car crash and both where still re-validating from the crash.

So not enough outflow. Two days before the seminar the idea was to postpone the - today very well known - Free Boss seminar in Kiev.

But together with Olerom we disagreed on the situation and we postulated a miracle and ....  yes a small miracle happened.  In 2 days a lot of people subscribed for the seminar and we started finally with 11 business people. One even came from the Donetsk region especially to the seminar.

11 managers finally received basic L.Ron Hubbard data on how to become more free with a better management and organisation.

At the same time the Way to Happiness Booklet was promoted as a solution to the war in Ukraine. And yes all attendees could laugh again after the tone scale was explained.

I am happy to have helped again these nice people from Ukraine.

I wish all people from Ukraine peace.

drs Marc J. de Turck.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

PR and Marketing Seminar in Russia Voronezh

IDEAS FreeBoss representative in Russia, Voronezh organizes for the second time a seminar.  This time on PR and Marketing.  There were 15 business owners attending. Lots of interest.  Above that 50 books sold.  Next seminar on recruitment and motivation.